Women's Ministry

Welcome to Southview Women's Ministries!


Discover a community of faith and support at Southview Women's Ministries. Join us as we strengthen our bonds through prayer, Bible study, music, and fellowship.

Connect with us through:

  • Prayer Walk and Morning Prayer: Every Sabbath at 9 AM in the Youth Class.
  • Women's Ministry Sabbath School: Every 2nd Sabbath of the month in the educational wing.
  • Health and Wellness Seminars
  • Women Ministry Emphasis Day
  • International Women's Day of Prayer
  • Ladies Tea Party

We also invite young girls 10+ to join us for different events and enjoy our special Girls Social get-togethers.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Support Southview Women Ministries by donating through our church online giving here

Southview Women Ministries Health and Wellness Seminar September 2024


Uncover the secrets to a healthier you! Juice it up with these delicious options.




















Experience our Women's Ministry through these photos.

Southview Women Ministries Tea Party May 2024



SV Girls Social August 2023


Southview Girls Social May 2023


Southview Women Ministry Get Together March 2023



Director: Pauline K. Misiak

Contact Email: paulinemisiak@gmail.com