Unlock the secrets of America's future in this fast-pasced, easy-to-understand Bible Prophecy seminar.
With combination of Bible study, current events, and heartwarming stories, you will understand some of the most incredible prophetic themes of Daniel and Revelation and see their relevance for America's future.
This Bible prophecy seminar is especially designed for busy people, so you are invited to come as you are.
More info: www.whichway.us
Watch Which Way America Series Sermons (Click Here)
Meet the Speakers
Darnisha Thomas (Main Speaker)

Darnisha Thomas serves as a pastor in Minneapolis, Minnesota. An international speaker and lifelong student of life and the Bible, Darnisha enjoyed sharing the hidden gems found in Scripture. She presents the tools needed to deepen Bible knowledge and a relationship with Jesus. Her goal is to help others experience true freedom in Jesus and His unconditional, never-ending love and compassion.
Meetings / Topics
Friday, October 1, 7:00pm, Southview Christian School
The Bible has accurately predicted the rise and fall of empires for over 2,500 years. Is America’s future foretold in the Bible as well?
2) Prophecy's Final One-World Power
Saturday, October 2, 7:00pm, Southview Christian School
Prophecy describes a time when wars will finally end and a kingdom of peace will prevail. Tonight, you will see this kingdom's Ruler from a startling new perspective.
3) The United States in Bible Prophecy
Sunday, October 3, 7:00pm, Southview Christian School
The most powerful and influential nation on the planet is in a desperate struggle to find its identity again. Will the United States ultimately choose to follow God or turn away from Him?
4) Rise of the Antichrist
Monday, October 4, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
The Book of Revelation describes an ominous power that will draw millions away from their Redeemer. How can we identify the antichrist and stand against him?
5) The Dismantling of America
Wednesday, October 6, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
Even a cursory look at the recent history of America reveals a shocking decline in morality and respect for authority. What is causing American society to unravel at its seams?
6) The Land of the Stree-Free
Friday, October 8, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
Despite the availability and ever-increasing use of labor-saving devices and technology, Americans are suffering from anxiety and depression at alarming levels. What can be done to decrease our stress levels?
7) Israel in Bible Prophecy
Saturday, October 9, 11:oo am (Speaker: Pastor Sean Lee) House of Prayer / Southview Seventh-day Adventist Church (7625 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55423)
News headlines regularly feature stories from the Middle East about Israel and its enemies. What does the future hold for the relationship between the US and Israel? And is an important part of that relationship being overlooked?
8) Unmasking the AntiChrist
Saturday, October 9, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School (Speaker: Japath Nyaata)
Books have been written. Movies have been made. An ominous uneasiness surrounds the identity of the antichrist, but few seem certain of who we should fear. In part 2 of ‘Rise of the Antichrist’, you will go home knowing his identity without a doubt.
9) Death's Mystery Solved
Monday, October 11, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
What happens five minutes after death? Do people go to heaven? To hell? To purgatory? Are they reincarnated in some higher or lower form of being? Do people simply cease to exist? Say goodbye to fear and uncertainty as we find the Bible’s reassuring answer.
10) The Millennium
Wednesday, October 13, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
11) Revelation's Rapture
Friday, October 15, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School (Speaker Tim Denniston)
12) The Day of Justice for All
Saturday, October 16, 11:00 am (Speaker: Pastor Sean Lee) House of Prayer / Southview Seventh day Adventist Church (7625 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55423)
13) Daily Battle
Saturday, October 16, 7:00 pm, Southview Christian School
14) You Can Always Come Home
Friday, October 22, 7:00 pm, House of Prayer / Southview Seventh day Adventist Church (7625 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55423)
15) What will heaven be like?
Saturday, October 23, 11:00 am, House of Prayer / Southview Seventh day Adventist Church (7625 Chicago Ave, Richfield, MN 55423)